A great retirement rental option you might not have considered

A great retirement rental option you might not have considered

Renting isn’t often associated with retirement but it should be, because almost one in 10 Australians aged over 55 live in private rental accommodation. What many of those older renters may not be aware of, though, is that renting in a retirement community is a...
Old school letters spark a connection.

Old school letters spark a connection.

Phil Jefferies was welcomed to Ingenia Gardens Seascape by handwritten letters from his neighbours through a letter swap initiative, started just as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions kicked in. Mr Jefferies moved to the community when his wife moved to a home for...
How seniors survived lockdown Strong community spirit

How seniors survived lockdown Strong community spirit

The combination of community spirit and a revamped wellbeing program Activate has allowed residents of Ingenia Gardens Taree to stay socially connected and active from the safety of their homes during the lockdown measures of COVID-19.   Ingenia Gardens Taree...
Pet ownership keeps seniors healthy and independent

Pet ownership keeps seniors healthy and independent

For many of us, our pets are adored family members that provide much-needed companionship. Animals can help reduce stress, lover blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity as well as being a great companion. A recent study showed that 20% of...
Communities bake up a storm for Biggest Morning Tea!

Communities bake up a storm for Biggest Morning Tea!

Ingenia Gardens Communities across Victoria and NSW looked at new and innovative ways to raise money for the Biggest Morning Tea with COVID restriction still in place. The managers at Ingenia Gardens Horsham, Geelong and Wagga Wagga had baked up a storm of delicious...