The residents of Ingenia Gardens Dubbo have embraced the season of giving this Christmas, donating gifts to be shared with children in war-torn Ukraine.

The group of 25 generous seniors have raised close to $450, going towards 14 gift boxes as part of charity Samaritans Purse’s ‘Operation Christmas Child.’

Operation Christmas Child aims to provide children in vulnerable situations around the world with toys, hygiene items, school supplies and fun gifts that fit within a special shoebox [1].

Resident Eileen Eggleton said the cause was important to the seniors because no child should go without at Christmas time.

Most of us here have children or grandchildren of our own. It’s just heartbreaking thinking about them going without at Christmas time, especially these children in Ukraine who are also dealing with frightening things beyond their control

Eileen Eggleton, Ingenia Gardens Dubbo

“We wanted to do something to make sure they would have something to open come Christmas morning. The residents here were all very generous!” Ms Eggleton said.

Ingenia Gardens Dubbo Community Manager Pip Downey said her residents are always looking to pay goodwill forward and are some of the most selfless people she knows.

“You won’t meet a better group of people! The residents here will always strive to do good in the world and make it a better place for others”, she said.

“What’s happening over in Ukraine, and particularly the suffering of the Ukrainian children is something very close to the resident’s hearts.” she said. “It was beautiful to see them all come together to raise the funds for this project. Many of the residents here are on fixed incomes but will always donate whatever they can to help those in need,” she said.

Ms Downey said that in addition to the Operation Christmas Child Project, the generous seniors have also donated much needed gifts and toys to the local children of Dubbo.

Toys donated by Ingenia Gardens Dubbo residents

“The residents also thought it was important to help the kids who are close to home and may not have something to look forward to come Christmas morning,” Ms Downey said. They donated toys, games and clothes which will be used in gift packs given by the team at Orana Support Service who help those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

It’s lovely to know the residents will have played a part in helping to bring a smile to the faces of children on Christmas Day

Pip Downey



[1] Home – Operation Christmas Child (